Hitachi DX Engineering Research

株式会社日立製作所 研究開発 Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development

日立のソフトウェア工学研究は、日立グループが提供する信頼性の高い製品・サービスを通じて、社会の安全・安心を支えてきました。 デジタルトランスフォーメーション時代にふさわしい高度なソフトウェア開発の実現を目指しています。

Software Engineering research at Hitachi has been supporting the safety and security of society through the highly-reliable products and services provided by the Hitachi group. We strive to achieve advanced software development suitable for the digital transformation era.

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Publication List

Software Engineering Conferences and Journals

Modernizing Business with IT


Modern IT system development method for achieving “Digital Transformation”.

Intelligent Systems Engineering


Technology for developing reliable, high-quality AI and AI-based systems.

Data-Driven Software Engineering


Cutting-edge technology with big-data and AI for software development.

Safety System Development Process


Efficient process and method to develop safety-critical systems.